Athens and Sparta had now entered into an agreement known as the 30 years’ peace, seeing the first Peloponnesian come to an end. This would see the creation of two spheres of influence within Greek lands that they would now turn their attention to. In Athens, Pericles would now also see a challenge to his influence within the Athenian political system. All accounts in the sources indicate that the rise of the conservative faction would be the toughest fight Pericles would have to endure to date.
Revolts within the Athenian Empire would continue through the 440’s, though we would not get any accounts of them. Our clue to these revolts would be in the form of the Athenian tribute list that would show a fluctuation of payments. However, as the 440’s came to a close we would once again hear of a major revolt in the historical sources. This revolt would begin as a war between two members of Athens Empire.
The island of Samos and Miletus on the Anatolian coast would engage in a war over disputed territory. Athens would find itself intervening in matters to bring the conflict under control, though they would take the side of Miletus. This would see Samos revolt against Athens and seek aide from their past enemies. Athens would face some setbacks during the conflict, though with more support they would eventually succeed in bringing the island back under control.
This Samian war would also test the agreements that Athens had made with both Sparta and Persia. Both had been approached by the Samians, with Persia giving indirect aide, while Sparta would stand by, supposedly sidelined by allies within the Peloponnesian league. For now, the terms made between Athens and Sparta would see conflict avoided.