Ellie Murray and Lucy D'Agostino McGowan discuss community engagement, health disparities, and measure development with Dr. Melody Goodman from New York University Global School of Public Health.
🐦 Jonathan Jackson's tweet on the importance of measures of dispersion
📄 Goodman's paper Reaching Consensus on Principles of Stakeholder Engagement in Research
📄 Goodman's paper Content validation of a quantitative stakeholder engagement measure
📄 Goodman's paper on Community Research Training Fellows Program Training Community Members in Public Health Research: Development and Implementation of a Community Participatory Research Pilot Project
📄 The Relationship between In-Person Voting, Consolidated Polling Locations, and Absentee Voting on Covid-19: Evidence from the Wisconsin Primary discussed in the peDAGogy segment
Harm reduction tips for protests
Harm reduction tips for faith-based communities
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🎶 Our intro/outro music is courtesy of Joseph McDade.
👩🎨 Our artwork is by Allison Horst.