Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids
The Saints have played a powerful role in defining Church Teaching, inspiring the Faithful to live for Christ and guiding the Holy Church. Tune in each day this week as we explore the saints celebrating feast days this week, and how God guided them with His Holy Spirit to make a lasting impact on the Church.
Discover how God revealed the truth about Purgatory through St. Christina the Astonishing
Understand how the legendary story of St. Christopher still communicates powerful truth.
Through Sts. Anne and Joachim, be reminded that Jesus lived in a real family and through that blesses all of our families
Allow St. Simeon Stylite to lead to you greater obedience
Through St. Victor I, grow in appreciation for all the difficult choices Church leader have had to make, especially in the early days of the Church.
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Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media.
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