Catholic Sprouts: Daily Podcast for Catholic Kids
Join us as we discuss the 5th Commandment, You shall not kill, and our calling to not only protect the lives of others but offer mercy and love instead.
Monday: On the feast of the guardian angels, we recall that each human as a special dignity, created in God's own image, and we are simply stewards of our lives.
Tuesday: Explore the miracle of your own life, remembering how God breathed life into the first person and how our blood is sacred.
Wednesday: On the feast of St. Francis, recall that even unrighteous anger is a sin. We are called instead to reject human wisdom and be fools like Francis, pursuing peace.
Thursday: On the feast of St. Faustina, we are reminded that we not only need to get go of anger, we need to be like God and offer mercy, not hatred.
Friday: On the feast of St. Bruno, we are reminded that we are called to be the defenders of the weakest and smallest, working for just laws that recognize the dignity of all.
Also, our popular book, SAINTS AND THE CALL TO FRIENDSHIP WITH CHRIST is finally back in stock! Get your copy here:
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Catholic Sprouts is a production of Spoke Street Media.
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