2005-11-13-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning November 13th, 2005 in the 8:30 service.Scripture Ref: Luke 16:20-31; II Chronicles 25:1-2Topic: RelationshipNotes:- Upper/Lower Hades – center of the earth, Jesus preached in upper, lower enlarged to become Hell- Scripture inspired by God, written by men- We can only know God through scripture and prayer- Hurricane Hugo – power outage, blown fuse; one small thing causes much bigger problem- Disobedience breaks the circuit of intimacy, suddenly in darkness- Rich young ruler only lacked one thing- Amaziah did right but with imperfect heart- Golfer lying about residence to play (tithing, pornography)- Merchants in Mid-East selling pottery, cracks waxed over; heat of God's judgement to expose cracks