2006-11-15-1900 Perry Tuttle & Evan Albertyn are the speakers for Central on Wednesday evening November 15th, 2006.
Scripture Ref: Philippians 1:6; Romans 5:19-20; Hebrews 11:6Topic: FaithNotes:Perry Tuttle/Evan Albertyn- To walk by faith, you must hope for something- Children want to be in the presence of their father- Satan says God is trying to keep good things from us (as in the garden)- Out of God's presence flows His promises, then His instruction- Do you trust God? Obey and He will provide- You must come to the end of Yourself, nothing will satisfy except Jesus (story of son Korde, iPod, laptop)- There are 49 commands of Jesus, we must know them to do as He- God has called some to write a book, to start a business, ministry, etc.- The tests get bigger, your faith gets bigger, the window to God's greatness gets bigger