2006-12-31-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning December 31st, 2006 in the 10:30 service.Scripture Ref: Psalm 51:1-10; I Tim. 5:24-25; Psalm 19:12-14Topic: SinNotes:- Examination of ourselves that nothing be between me and my savior- Death of James Brown, Gerald Ford, Saddam Hussein- You will die, no second chance, sins will find you out- The world knows nothing about death; eulogies all are going to heaven- Secret sins are only secret to man, not to God- If you don't deal with sins, they become presumptuous, you justify- Private sins become public sins- Your definition of grace becomes false; living in known sin-
Affairs, divorce; man justifying not tithing; wearing and returning
clothing; preacher using different address to join golf course- Analogy of stop sign; one warning is all you need; bible only mention homosexuality seven times