Steve Wright,
former Pastor from Providence Christian Center (also known as "The Hotdog
Church") of San Francisco is the speaker for the 6:30 Sunday evening
January 21st, 2007. Steve has recently joined the staff of Central Church of God.Scripture Ref: Luke 10:1-3, 9; Luke 9:51-62; Mark 1:17Topic: DiscipleshipNotes:- Visit to father's grave. Adopted, made part of his family- Remember salvation, God adopted me, I carry His name- Salvation is by grace, free, but discipleship does cost.- Follow Christ to Jerusalem to death, mission field- If God is calling you to what is comfortable, it may not be God- Often God asks us to do something and we don't, it comes back- How to catch a monkey, he won't let go. We must let go- Missions is a relationship, pray about the harvest- It's easier to pray for other missionaries than to go and do- Story of woman (dancer) on train- We are to be fishers of men, not many are fishing anymore- Man at Gay parade in San Francisco, Gay Christian bible.