2007-04-29-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning April 29th, 2007 in the 10:30 service.Scripture
Ref: I John 5:1; I John 4:7-11; I John 3:9;I John 5:13; Revelation 2:20-23; I Corinthians 5:1-13Topic: AssuranceNotes: - Story of woman who came after sermon saying "am I saved?"- We can live with the assurance of salvation- 3 proofs of salvation: inward, outgoing, and outward- We will always wrestle with sin; condemnation is a feeling- When saved the old nature is not removed, but we now have a choice- Inner conflict is a sign that a holy work is going on; Jesus inside of you- Sin is not a disease, but a condition: rebellion against God- Sin will not be destroyed; must be forgiven- We cannot justify sinful living- Church at Thyatira; the spirit of Jezebel teaches another gospel