2008-08-03-1830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening August 3rd, 2008 in the 6:30 service. Scripture Ref: II Chronicles 25:1-2; 20:31-37Topic: Choices/DecisionsNotes:- Difficult times produce a testimony of your faithfulness to God- You will get through this, life wears you down- Don't make decisions angry; sleep on it- Amaziah made decisions out of imperfect heart- When pressure comes, decision has to be made…- Decisions out of perfect heart, based on loyalty to God, bring peace- If you wait long enough, God will give you direction- Too much like businessmen, too little like people of God's Kingdom- Jehoshaphat aligned himself with Ahaziah- People always reaching higher, miss out on now, children, spouse, never at peace, need to enjoy what God has given you- Are you too busy to really enjoy Jesus?