2009-03-29-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning March 29th, 2009 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture Ref: Galatians 6:14; John 14:27; Isaiah 26:3, 20-21; Exodus 8; 9; 10; 33:22
Topic: : Holy Living
Notes:- Paul, a Jew, to teach Christ alone- Stay on this side of the cross- There’s nothing to go back to in the world- Do not be troubled or afraid- He IS your peace; keep your mind on Him- Perfect peace when your enemy (world) is dead- People trying to be Christians without knowing Christ; How do you know? Nothing satisfies you but Jesus.- Make Him your life; put off the old man daily, let Jesus change your mind- We glance at Jesus but don't gaze at Jesus- Put a barrier between you and the world- What you commit to God, He will keep- God makes a difference between world/ His people; 10 plagues against Egypt