2009-10-04-1030 Dr. Randy Smith is the guest speaker this morning October 10th, 2009 in the 10:30 service.Scripture Ref: John 10:22-42Topic: Obedience
Notes:- Story of man who lived along river, flood, trusted God/missed help- God is speaking but we don’t know how to listen- 7 problems we have hearing God: we want God to speak on our terms, we're self-centered, we aren't committed to obey, we want benefits without responsibility, preconceived notions, we want His words to serve our purpose, we want unlimited chances to ignore His word- We don't have a picture of Jesus' life, but snapshots- Matthew: words of Jesus, Mark: works of Jesus, Luke: chronology, John: conflict- Belief is when I change my life to conform to what God says is true- Story of man with gout; we hear what we want to hear- The way to get there is to go through it- Walk with God or be afraid