2010-05-19-1900 Mike Canady is the speaker for Central on E\Wednesday evening May 19th, 2010. Scripture Ref: II Corinthians 5:9-21; Various
Topic: EvangelismNotes:
- God has work for you to do; Moses was to lead Israel out of bondage- God's plan & provision to redeem fallen man...- Promise of deliverance to a better place, protection from the enemies, provision (clothing, food, water)- Wake up; put on the armor and fight. Spread light; be salt.- In the presence of God you see His holiness and your own deficiency- Sin affects our worship and service to God- People are in need and in bondage; we are sent out among wolves- Ezekiel sent to rebellious people who would not listen- Guard your heart resist the devil- When they see you they see what God can do- Conceal; carry the Word in your heart; don't be afraid to use the weapon the Lord has given you- Are you depending on God or self?- Everywhere you go you are an evangelist