2011-01-02-0830 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning January 2nd, 2011 in the 8:30 service.
Scripture: Matthew 2:13; Luke 2:22, 39
Topic: Suffering
- Mary and Joseph followed law; Jesus circumcised accordingly, etc.- Ana waited and served (as we all should be doing)... Simeon. - Live with anticipation, not only of rapture but of tragedy- Joseph told to take Mary and Jesus and flee Egypt to escape Herod- Sometimes God tells us to flee instead of fight; we rely on prayer and scripture to get through- Sick as a child, people prayed, lack of faith blamed when no results- We think power of prayer is given for our pleasure, purpose, escape- Sometimes God sends you to an inconvenient place to save your soul- God will not make you comfortable but will give you comfort- Have faith in what He said not in how you feel- Herod eventually died; one day your trouble will pass as well- You don’t know what will happen this year