2011-07-10-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning Juy 10th 2011 in the 10:30 service.
Scripture: Hebrews 2:17-18; Mark 9:36; 10:46-52; Psalm 51:1-3
Topic: Mercy
- God is merciful and full of compassion; we get judgmental towards people- People don’t know better; we didn’t either and Jesus had compassion on us- God saw people being bullied by the devil; we are helpless without God- You are not in control; we are either controlled by darkness or by light- God saw the helplessness of the people, like sheep without a shepherd- Blind Bartimaeus by the roadside begging- Sometimes we feel like Jesus is passing us by; He will not pass you by... He will not ignore your plea- We begin to live with sins that easily beset us; we get comfortable with them and they begin to hinder our prayers... we must examine ourselves- Don’t maximize sins either, thinking you’ve sinned such that you are hopless- We talk too much; need to lay our tongues on the altar- Maybe I don’t have enough compassion- Love your neighbor as yourself- We need new conviction about the junk we watch on TV... it will destroy desire for spiritual things and numb our sensitivity to right and wrong- God doesn’t want your sin to always be before you; forget those thing behind