2011-07-31-1800 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this evening July 31st, 2011 in the 6:00 service.
Scripture:Matthew 7:1-5; I Corinthians 4:1-5
Topic: Prayer
- Prayer is the most powerful and accessible thing we can do on earth- Prayer is not just a means to get something; it is a means to know God- God is concerned about changing things in you, not around you; prayer helps us see things in us that are not like God- What hinders prayer: unbelief, sin, a man disrespect his wife... how we treat people- You cannot be any closer to God than you are to your wife- God honors obedience- Judge not lest you be judged...- Story: man on subway with two children out of control... you don’t know what is going on in people’s lives- We don’t even understand our own heart- The more broken we are, the less critical we’ll be; the more filled with the spirit, the more compassion we have- The merciful will obtain mercy- I don’t have anything to defend... I have done what I’m accused of in some way- We are here by the grace of God, accepted through Jesus Christ- Christians think they are to be the enforcers... but should be the examples- The only thing that matters in this world is people- Story: a pastor in a doughnut shop buys a b-day cake for a woman...