2014-04-13-0830 Jan Harrison is the speaker this morning April 13th, 2014 in the 8:30 AM service.Scripture: John 12:12-15; John 12:42-43; Romans 10:10; John 13:1-17Topic: HolyNotes:- Palm Sunday – A full week filled with chances of opportunities to make decisions to have eternal influences.- There were three different kinds of people in the crowd when Jesus was being beaten and crucified. John 12:12-15 1) These people were looking for a political Savior. They were being oppressed by the Roman government. They wanted a King to deliver them. They wanted to find a purpose and meaning in their lives.- John 12:42-43 2) The people believed in Jesus but were afraid to proclaim Him. They wanted the praise of men than God.- John 13:1-17 3) Jesus turns his attention to his believers, the ones who love Him. He humbled Himself to wash His disciple’s feet. He does this to show the servant in Him. Jesus wants us to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ, our families. Ministry to one another the way you serve Jesus is to honor your parents, be kind. Helpful – love your children, your husband and wife. Love one another when they disappoint you. - Follow Jesus he is the way, the truth, the life.