2015-09-06-1030 Pastor Lee Claypoole is the speaker this morning September 6th, 2015 in the 10:30 AM service.Scripture: John 5:1-11;Mark 2:1-12Topic:Notes:Never Too Late(Lee Claypoole)- One moment in the presence of God can change your life forever.- No matter how long you have been battling something in your life; when you put Jesus into the equation of your problem you can find power you never knew existed.- We all have played the blame game. The devil wants us to take our eyes off of Jesus and blame others for your problems- Who is it out of your life that is keeping your from being made whole, from having peace, joy, res and purpose.- What relationship have you been in that is keeping you in a cripple position.- Is there any bitterness, unforgiveness that is keeping you from God’s best?- God has put people in your life, true friends, who would lovingly look into your eyes and tell you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear.- They will tell you that bitterness and unforgiveness does not look good on you.- Fine yourself people who will pick you up; not tear you down.- Our God will never abandon you.