2021-08-08-1030 Pastor Loran Livingston is the speaker this morning, August 8, 2021 in the 10:30 AM service.
Scripture: Daniel 12; John 5:24-28; Revelation 20:4-5; Revelation 20:11-14; Matthew 7:21-25; Matthew 13:36-43
Notes: -The Bible tells us there are two resurrections: (1) for the righteous; (2) for the dead who never accept Christ. -The dead sinners will stand before the White throne of God. -They are condemned; no more mercy; and no more second chances for them. -Jesus will be the Judge. -Jesus requires all men to reject sin and except Him. -We are on the brink of the coming of Christ. -You can fake repentance but not Jesus. -What will be your defense when you stand before Jesus -You won’t have an excuse.