In Episode 14 of CEREBRO, Connor and Marvel writer Tini Howard bow before Her Royal Whyness, Opal Luna Saturnyne, Omniversal Majestrix! Introduced in the relaunch of Captain Britain in 1981 as an interdimensional bureaucrat, Saturnyne and her counterparts on other worlds were integral to the classic run of Excalibur. She is now more prominent than ever before, and was the centerpiece of the recent franchise-wide event X of Swords.
The CEREBRO character file on Saturnyne begins at 1:08:30.
(Content Advisory: The story of Opal Luna Saturnyne, Courtney Ross, and Opul Lun Sat-Yr-9 includes genocide, sexual violence, gaslighting, brainwashing, and the grooming of a teenager.)
The episode cover features art of Saturnyne by Alan Davis and Pepe Larraz.