This is our 10th Episode!!!!! Let's do a Scream for a min!!! Wow!!! This is a major accomplishment and didn't think this time last year I would even be here doing this!!! This is also one of the best episodes I know I've done so far so take a listen! We are raising our vibration and frequencies! Oprah Said " If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life you'll never have enough." Hop into this episode and lets get to chatting!
If you would like to ask questions or comment on this week's episode send your responses to [email protected]. Check out our brand new website specifically for our podcast and stay updated with podcast info @
Make sure to visit my facebook Community Chakra & Love Healing @ and Check us out on IG or Facebook @ Lioness Creation Designs, while you're online shop our website for your spiritual healing tools @ . Thank you so much for listening and we hope to have you on our next episode of Chakra & Love Healing the Podcast!
Take a listen and leave us a review and rating!!