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In this episode, Chandresh shares the tantra perspective of overcoming challenges of dysfunctional family dynamics within your spiritual growth and practice. The following questions are covered:
- What roles do the family dynamics play in influencing an individual's belief systems and how they practice spiritual beliefs? What advice do you have for someone who has a different spiritual belief or practice from their family?
- Why do spiritual differences so often cause problems within family dynamics, and what can someone do to help ease these tensions if they choose to walk a different path from their family?
- There’s a strong belief online that someone has to cut out their family or remove themselves from the family dynamics in order to go through spiritual awakenings. Is this true or is there a better way to heal within the family dynamic?
- Is your advice for handling and healing family dynamics, especially in regard to spirituality, different for people who come from abusive homes? If someone does come from an abusive home what is the purpose of this and how can someone heal from and overcome these types of challenges?
- There is a lot of conversation online about “soul family” and finding your soul tribe. Often people discuss the family you are born into is not your true soul tribe. This can be especially easy to relate to when you have different spiritual beliefs or perspectives on life from your family. What is the tantra perspective on this? Are there any tips or advice to understanding who your soul group is and how to align with them?
- How do you cope with losing a child? Especially when your partner or their parents are pressuring you to have another child? What is the relationship between mothers and being a home-maker vs. career woman especially in regards to having lost a child or having a miscarriage?
- How can someone go deeper into their spiritual practice when in a partnership? Especially if your partner does not have the same spiritual practice or beliefs as you? Specifically if you are someone who is transcending your sexual urges and do not want to have sex with your partner as often as they do, how do you overcome this dynamic in a relationship?
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