Deep within the forests of Veraheim, the Rowdy Boys have just barely fought off the Feckless Four. The Verakin though do not take kindly to their heroism and the boys make their way back to Avondol. Many new secrets come to light as the boys discuss their next steps and process their experiences so far on the journey. A baffoonish interruption, a marred breastplate, and another filthy blade help reveal what might be the truth behind the Trelander's presence in the New Lands.
Andrew Palmer - Dungeon Master and Producer, Micah Jordan - Thelneous, Collin Allen - Khol-Uun and Editor, Brad Kinnison - Rory, Taylor Haydel - Eyas and Graphic Design
Sam Anderson - Sound Engineer and Composer
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ChasmQuest is a D&D podcast where we use the Dungeons and Dragons 5e system, a tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg), to tell you a story. We blend the styles of actual play DnD RPG and audio drama to bring you a fun-filled adventure with both hilarity and heart pounding action. You're sure to fall in love with our PCs and NPCs in this completely original fantasy world and narrative. Listen now as the dice determine our destiny.