A portal to another world? Isn't that what this podcast is? Well, even so yet another artifact is messing with our Rowdy Boys, but they at least have their strongholds built back at the Kingdom Kilgannon.
Featuring Amanda Bantug as Quinn the Tiefling // @Babybantug on Instagram | Website bantug.co
& Delaney McBride as Rosin Dune A.K.A Dark Rose // @handtoheartwellness on instagram | Website handtoheartwellness.bigcartel.com
Andrew Palmer - Dungeon Master, and Creator,
Collin Allen - Khol-Uun
Taylor Haydel - Eyas, Sound Design, Music, and Graphic Design,
Micah Jordan - Thelneous
Sam Anderson - Theme Song Composer
Featuring additional music and ambience by Ivan Duch patreon.com/ivanduch
Additional sound effects from https://www.freesound.org &
New Studio GoFundme! @ https://www.gofundme.com/f/chasmquest-is-building-a-live-studio
New Merch Store https://chasmquest.threadless.com/
Magic Mind at www.magicmind.co/Chasmquest Promo Code ROWDY20
Visit www.ChasmQuest.com to find Maps, Wikis, and Character Bios
Support us at www.patreon.com/chasmquest
Join us on Discord at:
Twitch, Instagram, and Twitter: @ChasmQuest
ChasmQuest is a ttrpg podcast compatible with the Dungeons and Dragons 5e system, a tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg), to tell you a story. We create characters blend the styles of actual play D&D / Dnd / RPG and audio drama to bring you a fun-filled adventure with both hilarity and heart pounding action. You’re sure to fall in love with our PCs and NPCs in this completely original fantasy world full of monsters, pirates, and a narrative full of improv and comedy. Listen now as the dice determine our destiny.