A council is formed and meets for the first time. The Kilgannon Kingdom is fully realized after, of course, a bout of friendly debate about the ethics of assassinations.
Andrew Palmer - Dungeon Master, and Creator,
Collin Allen - Khol-Uun
Taylor Haydel - Eyas, Sound Design, Music, and Graphic Design,
Micah Jordan - Thelneous
Sam Anderson - Theme Song Composer
Featuring additional music and ambience by Ivan Duch patreon.com/ivanduch
Additional sound effects from https://www.freesound.org &
New Studio GoFundme! @ https://www.gofundme.com/f/chasmquest-is-building-a-live-studio
New Merch Store https://chasmquest.threadless.com/
Magic Mind at www.magicmind.co/Chasmquest Promo Code ROWDY20
Visit www.ChasmQuest.com to find Maps, Wikis, and Character Bios