Check Your Thread: Sewing More Sustainably
It’s the second episode of the Check Your Thread podcast, and I’ve got my first guest! Wendy Ward has integrated sustainable thinking into her making so deeply that she has literally written a book called ‘How to Sew Sustainably’! In this conversation Wendy shares tips on sewing more sustainably from her book and from her own sewing life. Plus we discuss the commercialisation of craft and how privilege is often associated with sewing today. And finally Wendy talks about how to keep craft accessible when you're short on time, money and space.
Wendy Ward’s website and blog can be found HERE.
More details about Wendy’s new book ‘How to Sew Sustainably’ can be found HERE, including links where to buy it.
An example of Wendy’s approach to pieced together fabric technique from the book:
Scrappy collage piece by Wendy:
THIS is the Instagram post where Wendy discusses the commercialisation of, and privilege associated with, craft. The discussion continues in the comments.
Wendy’s craft-crush Claire Wellesley-Smith’s work and books can be found HERE.
Wendy’s favourite craft tool purveyor, Beyond Measure, can be found HERE.
An example of the darning eggs by Do-Well Design: