This is Part 3 of a special three-part podcast series titled “Love and Logic.”
This Pride Month, we’re celebrating the spirit of championing our true identities with a special three-part podcast series titled “Love and Logic.” Waverly Deutsch, a proud member of the LGBTQ community and a staunch advocate for women entrepreneurs, navigates her multifaceted identity with aplomb— from a theater lover to PhD, from a STEM major to MBA professor, and from retiree to a baby boomer coaching venture builder.
Waverly, often compared to “the Simon Cowell of the Chicago Booth New Venture Challenge,” is celebrated not just for her straightforward feedback but for coupling it with practical, transformative advice. It’s this combination of tough love and insightful guidance that has influenced her approach to coaching underrepresented entrepreneurs at WyseHeart Advisory.
Episode Breakdown:
00:21—Finale of the “Love & Logic” Trilogy: What’s in store for the final act of our three-part series?
3:24 — Wyseheart’s Big Pitch: Watch Waverly pitch her unique venture—think of it as Chicago Booth-quality coaching with a twist, aimed at empowering underrepresented entrepreneurs. It’s diversity with a dash of love and a pinch of logic.
10:45 — “Why It Matters for LBGTQ Entrepreneurs to Come Out”: In 2016, Waverly shared her insights on why it’s crucial for LGBTQ entrepreneurs to be visible on Chicago Booth Review. Fast forward to today, and discover why these discussions are more vital than ever.
15:20 — Addressing an Overlooked Age-related Challenge: Dive into Waverly’s perspective on ageism, a critical yet often ignored diversity and economics issue in both the workplace and the entrepreneurial world.
25:30 — The Origin of ‘Wyseheart’: Ever wondered where the name ‘Wyseheart’ came from? Uncover the story behind this heartfelt moniker.
Connect with Us:
Host: Vince Chan | Guest: Waverly Deutsch
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