In 2022's first episode of the year, Tu & Lei start out the pod with their thoughts on the mobility announcements that came out of CES. Tu believes that the rest of the world has finally woken up to China EV Inc.
Lei takes a few moments to opine on how the autonomous vehicle sector has really been pulled back into the spotlight and Tu adds that due to the dramatic reduction in costs of sensor HW, robotaxis could really become a 'thing' before 2025, or within the next 3 years.
Winner in all of this - The chip companies: Mobileye (Intel), Nvidia, Qualcomm.
Lei moves on to December sales numbers with a brief explanation of why historically December numbers in China always seem to spike in good years. Despite the chip & battery shortage, most EV and traditional automakers hit record sales numbers.
Tu ends the pod by listing his predictions for 2022 while Lei spends a few moments debating the 'whys' and the 'hows.' They both take the final few minutes of the pod to discuss how the elimination of JV requirements for foreign automakers and the new possibilities that could shape 2022.