Bobby Amaru (vocals) and Wayne Swinny (guitars) from the band Saliva join me today. We discuss the music business, sobriety, the new Saliva album, Seattle bands, the Pearl Jam/Motley Crue feud and more!
0:00:00 - Intro
0:00:45 - New Songs & Album
0:02:30 - Sobriety & Clear Mind
0:05:50 - Phil Collen & Sober Focus
0:07:30 - Recording & Release of New Music
0:10:00 - Radio, Spotify & Label Money
0:14:02 - Artists Leaving Spotify & Owning Masters
0:16:50 - Newer Rock Sounds
0:20:30 - Playing Covers Live
0:21:20 - Upcoming Show Dates
0:23:10 - Band Merchandise
0:26:03 - Burn Season
0:27:26 - Bob Marlette & Producers
0:29:40 - Record Deal with Lewis Bacardi
0:35:46 - Losing Money from "Fanager"
0:40:30 - Other Band Offers
0:43:33 - Pearl Jam & Motley Crue Feud
0:45:45 - Seattle Bands
0:49:54 - Foo Fighters
0:52:43 - Linkin Park & Papa Roach
0:55:30 - Mystique in Rock n Roll
0:59:15 - Musicares & Mental Illness
1:00:35 - Son's Art
1:01:55 - Wrap Up
1:02:31 - Outro
Saliva website:
MusiCares website:
Mental Health website:
Chuck Shute website:
Thanks for Listening & Shute for the Moon!