Sam LaChow is a rapper, producer and videographer from Seattle. His latest single “Happy Music” is available everywhere now. In this episode we discuss music, sobriety, mental health, Seattle and more!
00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Seattle, Garfield High & Landmarks
04:00 - Touring & Seattle Venues
05:45 - Living in Seattle
07:05 - Sobriety & Addiction
10:20 - Career, Happiness & Psychology
14:00 - Fans, Fears & Failure
21:10 - Lucky Lefty Song & Video
22:20 - Kendrick Lamar & Drake Beef & Roasts
24:30 - Growth, Outside Validation & Helping Others
29:10 - Social Media & Promotion
31:10 - Motivational Speakers & Other Podcasts
33:00 - Pets
35:00 - Walking, Dieting & Health
36:50 - Arizona & Live Shows
38:30 - Accompanying Musicians & Musical Style & Fanbase
40:50 - Seattle Musicians
42:40 - Drugs ,Withdrawals & Psychedelics
46:10 - Working Out
47:25 - Wasting Time & Productivity
49:10 - Going to A.A. Meetings & Wisdom
51:50 - Motivational & Inspirational Speakers & Meditation
55:00 - New Music & Promotions
57:08 - Outro
Sam LaChow links:
Chuck Shute links:
Thanks for Listening & Shute for the Moon!