Arresting Dissenters, removing critics, threatening whistleblowers, and trying to silence critics and destroy their reputations. This sounds like mob-type behavior... but what if we told you this all describes large and well-known CHURCHES?!? That's right, in unsafe and unhealthy churches, questions, criticism, and any allegations of sin and immoral behavior are met with bully tactics like these. While this is not the case at all churches, it should NOT be the case in ANY CHURCH. In this episode of the Church Disrupted Podcast, Jeff Cochran takes a look at concerning mob style behavior by four large church bodies in recent months. As well as how to recognize the red flags that lead up to this type of behavior. Want to support SAI financially? THANK YOU to our podcast partner, the East TN Mentorship Association! Find out more information about what they do or connect with them at . TELL THEM WE SENT YOU for a special rate that is ONLY for Church Disrupted Podcast listeners. Find out more about the Spiritual Abuse Institute and the Church Disrupted Podcast at Join the church disrupted COMMUNITY here: Please Subscribe and Share! Chapters: 00:01 - When churches act like mobsters 02:53 - Fellowship Church & Pastor Ed Young ARRESTS film-maker and donor for asking financial questions. 29:13 - Immanuel Baptist Church Revises its BYLAWS to RESTRICT FREE SPEECH and SILENCE DETRACTORS. 37:21 - Troll Account Uses DECEASED MAN’S Obituary Picture on Account Used to Silence Detractors, Former Staff Members, and Former Congregants of Faith Promise Church. 57:22 - D.C. Area Mega Church With Celebrity Pastor ARRESTS and EXCOMMUNICATES Members Who Ask Questions!!!