The Mayador cider brand came about from a lot hard work and ingenuity. Manuel Busto Amandi born in 1906 founded his cider business originally as M.Busto in 1939. Between that time and 1966, Manuel's ingenuity kept the business growing. He had a number of innovation that were ground breaking for the cider industry.
From the Mayador History Book:
- He was the first to engrave the brand (M. BUSTO - 1959, certified by the Patent and Trademark Office in June 1946) on his cider bottles, produced in the old glass factory in Gijón. He was forty years ahead of a measure that would eventually become compulsory in the sector.
-He also promoted using 10-bottle boxes, while all other presses preferred the customary 12-bottle box; and he was a pioneer in trading cider vinegar in Spain, which up to then had only been of
domestic use.
-He was also the first to produce sterile apple juice in 1971.
But that is not all: he invented a machine to pour cider and registered it on December 4, 1964, under Patent No. 280.757.
In the early sixties the climate for cider was waning with new trendy drinks taking the stage, so he began to marketed Sparkling Cider. In 1966, his nephew Raúl García Busto, launched El Mayador as the new label.
Cider Vocabulary:
Mayar - crushing apples
Mayar season - time for crushing apples
Mayador - the person who crushes apples with a long wooden paddle
Today Mayador exports to 65 countries around the world, including the US, Japan, the UK and South America. In the US, Mayador is imported by Wine Seller LTD.
Contact Mayador
More info on Mayador
La Sidra, the magazine :
The main news paper in Asturias
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