167: Cider Vortex Tales | Chicago2019
This episodes highlights recordings made during Chicago Cider Week February 1-9, 2019.
SHERYL YOUNGBLOOD w/ Terrell CarterCiderCon, the annual Trade Conference for members of the United States Association of Cider Makers, took place on February 4-8.
On Saturday the 10th Chicago Cider Summit capped off this cider soaked week, with two cider sessions at the Navy Pier. This event had record attendance topping off at 3500 people.
Featured in this episode 167 we begin at the Cider Share held on Wednesday the 7th and meet Meredith and Peter of Century Cider in Memphis Tennessee.
Then we get a dose of cider geeking with Charles McGonegal as chat Tetrahydropyridine (THP) and mousey overtures in cider. Go to episode 83 and 84.
Then it is off to mini chats with cider drinkers attending Cider Summit.
In order of guest recordings:
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