Duckchicken makers Colleen O’Sullivan and James Mann are based in South London. Colleen is a certified Arborist and works as a Tree Officer in London and James works in “Knowledge” at a law office in London.
Duckchickens Colleen and James
Duckchicken is a home-based commercial cidery
Imagine row houses with a first floor apartment and a second family above. Now imagine a "rented car" pulling up to the residential street and the husband and wife team of Duckchicken pulling out crates of apples to heft into ther home and stack in their hallway. During bottling season the hallway is filled with bottles. The kitchen which is no bigger than 10 feet by 12 feet becomes the packing room and measuring room during cidermaking season.
Right outside the kitchen window, is a wooden shelving unit they built to hold 4- 300 liter IBC tanks and other cider vessels. This part of the back yard is called the “Light Well” and is found on many row homes in London. It is the space between another house and helps to provide light into the homes. As such, it also is a very temperate place to keep cider, getting neither too hot or too cold while the bulk cider is conditioning.
Making Duckchicken in the Kitchen
Duckchicken Cider Style is “East Country”
East Country (as opposed to West Country, which is west of London and in the area of Herefordshire and Somerset, and the surrounding regions. The apples in East Country are more culinary than the classic bitter sharp and bitter sweet varieties sought by makers, but there are a number of very good varieties that Duckchicken uses.
James in the Light Well of Duckchicken, right outside the kitchen window
Duckchicken Apple Sources
You could call it "The Boss Connection" that helped them find orchards. James was referred to “Linda’s Orchard by his boss. And a second large orchard by another boss.
Husband and Wife Team cider roles
DERIC is an anagram for Cider
Cidermaking Practices at Duckchicken
Ciders to look forward to in 2020
And a few blends still yet to be named so stay tuned.
Find Duckchicken Cider - go to 43 minutes in to hear a description of each location.
The Landlord and and Landlady of The Station House in Durham
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