What is Flor aka Film Yeast and can the cider be saved? It's all in Part 4 of the Quarantine Quad Series called "Ask Ryan" with Ryan Monkman of FieldBird Cider, Ontario Canada answering questions from Cider Chat listeners. Plus, Why are FieldBird Ciders so wine like and "How did Ryan get into cider?"
Ryan Monkman
Listen Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3 of the Quarantine Quad Series.
Ryan's chat begins at 7:35 minutes
Flor Tips
How FieldBird manages "Flor"
1. Over top the barrel, because film yeast will float.
2. Bottom rack.
Respond quickly - because of acetobacter growth and loss of aromatics.
Luckily, 9 out of 10 times the cider isn’t impacted.
Contact for Ryan Monkman at FieldBird Cider
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