CineNation: Episode 6 - Future of Storytelling?
Transmedia Examples
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries:
“The New Way to Tell Old Stories”:
“Transmedia Stories are Winning the Internet”
The Complete Playlist of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries:
The Blair Witch Project
The Blair Witch a Transmedia Reference:
Marble Hornets
The Complete Playist of Marble Hornets
Podcast Storytelling
Serial Podcast
The Podcast We’ve Been Waiting For:
The Serial Podcast:
Other Forms
Drop everything and watch this!
Kickstarter for interactive fiction. iPad app + printed book.
Software they built the interactive story on -
Amazing installation and app work!
One of their best examples
Sosolimited: real time video effects for use among groups
17min language / sentiment analysis
21min lighting the London Eye based on twitter
Memo Akten: bizarre interactive installations
38min mark for crazy example
43min mark for yet another
People to Follow
Aaron Reed - IF Writer / Designer
18 Cadence
Blue Lacuna -
“what if i’m the bad guy” -
Augmented reality experience built on the iPad.
Allows the user to rearrange objects within the system along different axis like time and physical location.
Aaron Koblin - one of the top interactive visual dogs
Interactive Documentaries
Interactive Documentary -
- MIT Database of interactive docs!!
- The Impossible Image - video about the project
“Beauty is one of the main lines to make people feel something - it’s the sharpest tool in the box. And if you’re trying to make people feel something, and you make it beauty they’ll sit up and listen.” 5:30~min
Interactive Fiction
Easy, web based system for building interactive stories -
- Character based system for designing IF.
Examples of Interactive Stories
Interactive story that feels a little like a game, but is weighted with a lot of meaning and depth in each step - - text based web game
- web based
- built in Inform 7 I think
- iPad App built on Versu