APIClarity is an open source, cloud-native visibility tool for APIs. It utilizes a Service Mesh framework to capture and analyze API traffic and identify potential risks.
Tune in to this episode to learn how you can 1) use APIClarity to analyze microservices communications in a cloud service mesh 2) leverage APIClarity to construct an OpenAPI specification in a live environment or compare a running environment to an existing OpenAPI specification, and 3) leverage APIClarity to improve your API visibility and your applications security posture.
Learn more: https://apiclarity.io/?dtid=opdcsnc001469
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Cisco Champion Hosts
Marc Luescher (twitter.com/LuescherMarc), Fesenius Medical Care North America, Networking and Security Architect
Matyáš Prokop (twitter.com/maty0609), Natilik, Principal Architect
Shai Silberman (twitter.com/shaidom), San Jose State University, Director, Network Services
Zoë Rose (twitter.com/RoseSecOps), Canon EMEA, Regional and Supplier Information Security Lead
Justin Cohen (twitter.com/cantechit), Cisco, Solution Architect, Cisco Innovation Lab
Amilee San Juan (twitter.com/amileesan1), Cisco, Customer Voices and Cisco Champion Program