Oh no! You find out bad actors are scouting your network. They’ve penetrated your organization, and now your files are locked. You are the victim of a ransomware attack. How did this happen? How do you handle an incident like this? What are the steps to remediation?
Join Cisco Champions as they explain what ransomware is, discuss their unique experiences with handling ransomware outbreaks, and talk about how to be more proactive with protecting your network.
Learn more: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/security/ransomware-defense/index.html?dtid=opdcsnc001469
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Cisco Champion Hosts
Evan Mintzer (twitter.com/evanmintzer), Ashfield Healthcare, Manager Information Security
Gert-Jan de Boer (twitter.com/gjdeboer), aaZoo, CTO and Network Archeologist
Girard Kavelines (twitter.com/GKavelines), The Wright Center For Primary Care, IT Specialist
Shai Silberman (twitter.com/shaidom), San Jose State University, Director, Network Services
Amilee San Juan (twitter.com/amileesan1), Cisco, Customer Voices and Cisco Champion Program