Learn how Wi-Fi is changing the way we connect.
Join Cisco Wireless CTO and Cisco Champions as they discuss reliable Wi-Fi for always-on, predictable connectivity; scalable performance; security with software defined segmentation; and mobility with policy-based path selections. We also discuss current and future use cases and how Wi-Fi can address IoT, XR, hybrid work, automation, and more with enhanced experiences.
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Dan Sheldon (twitter.com/SheldonClimbs), Prosimo, Senior Solutions Architect
Liam Keegan (twitter.com/liamjkeegan), 24/7 Networks, Solutions Architect
Paul Giblin (twitter.com/dreamlessod), Presidio, Distinguished Engineer
Matt MacPherson, Cisco, Sr. Director, CTO Wireless
Amilee San Juan (twitter.com/amileesan1), Cisco, Customer Voices and Cisco Champion Program