PL Dunbar read by Classic Poetry Aloud:
Giving voice to the poetry of the past.
The Dilettante: A Modern Type
by Paul Lawrence Dunbar (1872 – 1906)
He scribbles some in prose and verse,
And now and then he prints it;
He paints a little,--gathers some
Of Nature's gold and mints it.
He plays a little, sings a song,
Acts tragic roles or funny;
He does, because his love is strong,
But not, oh, not for money!
He studies almost everything
From social art to science;
A thirsty mind, a flowing spring,
Demand and swift compliance.
He looms above the sordid crowd,
At least through friendly lenses;
While his mama looks pleased and proud,
And kindly pays expenses.
First aired: 26 April 2009
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Reading © Classic Poetry Aloud 2009