Bridges read by Classic Poetry Aloud:
Giving voice to the poetry of the past.
by Robert Bridges (1844–1930)
When my love was away,
Full three days were not sped,
I caught my fancy astray
Thinking if she were dead,
And I alone, alone:
It seem'd in my misery
In all the world was none
Ever so lone as I.
I wept; but it did not shame
Nor comfort my heart: away
I rode as I might, and came
To my love at close of day.
The sight of her still'd my fears,
My fairest-hearted love:
And yet in her eyes were tears:
Which when I question'd of,
'O now thou art come,' she cried,
''Tis fled: but I thought to-day
I never could here abide,
If thou wert longer away.'
This poem is part of Love Poetry Week on Classic Poetry Aloud.
For the week's introductory podcast, visit: