Fifer read by Classic Poetry Aloud:
Giving voice to the poetry of the past.
He Lived a Life
by H Fifer
What was his creed?
I do not know his creed; I only know
That here below, he walked the common road
And lifted many a load, lightened the task,
Brightened the day for others toiling on a weary way:
This, his only meed; I do not know his creed.
What was his creed ? I never heard him speak
Of visions rapturous, of Alpine peak
Of doctrine, dogma, new or old:
But this I know, he was forever bold
To stand alone, to face the challenge of each day,
And live the truth, so far as he could see
The truth that evermore makes free.
His creed? I care not what his creed;
Enough that never yielded he to greed,
But served a brother in his daily need;
Plucked many a thorn and planted many a flower ;
Glorified the service of each hour;
Had faith in God, himself, and fellow-men;
Perchance he never thought in terms of creed;
I only know he lived a life, in deed!