As the global population approaches eight billion, humans continue to test the number of bodies that can fit onto a planet of finite resources. Empowering women through access to education and family planning may be at the core of establishing a healthy population balance, not just for the planet’s sake, but for ours. So why aren’t we talking about it more? How big a role can gender equity play in reducing our global carbon footprint — and who gets to decide?
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Musimbi Kanyoro, Former President & CEO, Global Fund for Women; Chair of the Board, United World Colleges
Ertharin Cousin, Visiting Scholar, Stanford Center on Food Security and the Environment; Former Director, World Food Programme
Corrine Sanchez, Executive Director, Tewa Women United
Additional Interview:
Evelyne Ajwang, Programme Manager MNCH/FP at Pathfinder International
This program was recorded via video on May 21, 2020.
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