Addressing the climate challenge requires incremental and transformational change on both personal and systemic levels. That means altering our personal habits as citizens, consumers, employees and parents. At the same time, society needs to fundamentally modernize the food, transportation, building and energy systems. That mind-blowing amount of change is so daunting, it’s no wonder people want to skip away into the happy land of denial. How should we think about change — and how do our words shape our behavior? Where does change really begin?
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George Lakoff, Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Science and Linguistics, UC Berkeley
Amanda Ravenhill, Executive Director, The Buckminster Fuller Institute
Margaret Klein Salamon, Founder and Executive Director, The Climate Mobilization
Additional interviews:
Jonah Gottlieb, Student and Director of Schools for Climate Action
This program was recorded at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on February 26, 2020.
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