It was a privilege to get to speak with Torgeir at his home in Norway about his music. I first heard Torgeir's voice on his song 'Take Me Home' a truly modern classic which connected directly to all my senses. An electrifying soulful voice with lyrics that resonate long after the song has finished.
Torgeir's latest album release is 'Mercy' the sister album to 'Love' from Jansen Records
Where the previous album had many layers of production, Mercy was recorded in close collaboration with two other musicians Michael Barrett Donovan and long standing musical partner Anders Møller on ¼ tape with only two tracks and no overlays.
It's a phenomenal achievement that brings you the listener as close to being in the recording studio as audibly possible.
Do your ears a favour and listen to the whole album and if you want to know more listen out for the podcast.