The best house club music selected by Stefano Noferini
01. Domenico Donvito - Smart Bombs [Deeperfect Records]02. Gaetano C. - Freedom [Deeperfect Records]
03. Guille Placenci, George Privatti - Anducas [Deeperfect Records]
04. Luca Lento - Kosmogonic [Deeperfect Records]
05. Matt Sassari - Reykjavik [Deeperfect Records]
06. Mr. Jefferson, Peter Grunch - Prank [Deeperfect Records]
07. Reinier Zonneveld - Red Tension [Deeperfect Records]
08. Ronan Portela, Darkrow - Argon [Deeperfect Records]
09. Sack Muller - Do It Yourself [Deeperfect Records]
10. Stefano Noferini - Gate [Deeperfect Records]
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