President Trump discusses the rapidly growing impact of coronavirus at the White House a day after his Oval Office address announcing European travel restrictions. He says restrictions on U.S. travel haven't been discussed, but remain a "possibility."
Everyday life turned upside down: More states ban large gatherings, the NBA and MLS suspend their seasons, Florida urges early voting before next week's presidential primary and candidates call off rallies.
House Democrats try to take the lead in responding: A new package up for a vote soon includes three months paid leave for those impacted. It also guarantees free coronavirus testing and provides help for children who normally get free lunch at schools that are closed because of the pandemic.
Today's panel: Seung Min Kim with The Washington Post, CNN'S Phil Mattingly, Catherine Lucey with The Wall Street Journal, and Julie Hirschfeld Davis with The New York Times
Also on the show: CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Brian Stelter and Melissa Bell, and Infectious Disease Expert Dr. Gavin Macgregor-Skinner
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