Chris Algoo shares how he co-created “Breakup Squad,” the game where you have to keep two exes from getting back together. Kate Rabinowitz shows us how open data can help build powerful, insightful tools to better understand and improve your city. Eric Brelsford shares how he used mapping tools to help community members turn vacant lots into beautiful neighborhood spaces.
Chris Algoo is a game developer, event organizer, speaker, and educator from Brooklyn. His events and games have a strong focus on diversity and inclusion. He's currently working on Breakup Squad, a party game displayed internationally in museums, festivals, and other venues.
Kate Rabinowitz is the founder of DataLensDC, an organization dedicated to understanding cities through data. She co-organizes Code for DC and Tech Lady Hackathon. Kate is passionate about open data and civic tech, diversity and inclusion, healthy skepticism, and board games.