We're gearing up to launch season 9 on July 8th, and we couldn't be more excited for you to listen. We got a ton of great guests to talk about a bunch of awesome topics including workplace burnout, why you should learn user interface and design, and dealing with online trolls.
Jeffrey Liebert works with people in the technology industry struggling with issues related to anxiety, depression, and motivation in the workplace. He works on increasing their productivity, while decreasing anxiety and feelings of burnout. http://jeffreyliebert.com/
Ali Spittel is a software engineer and teacher who loves writing and teaching Python and JavaScript.
Mina is actively involved in the tech community, teaching for Black Girls Code and founding the Dallas chapter of Girl Develop It and DFW Sass. In addition, she has presented at various conferences, including Front-End Design Conference, Midwest.io and Distill. Lastly, she's co-organizer of Front Porch, a conference on front-end web technologies for developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and managers.
Andy Hunt is a programmer turned consultant, author and publisher. He has authored award-winning and best-selling books, including the seminal The Pragmatic Programmer (now in a new and heavily revised 20th Anniversary Edition) and many others, including the popular Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware, the Jolt-worthy Practices of An Agile Developer, and Learn to Program with Minecraft Plugins for the kids.
Dave Thomas likes to code.