70 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Oregelbundet
About everything Microsoft, geek, gadget and development.
The podcast Coding After Work Podcast is created by Coding After Work. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this episode we talk to Dejan Milicic about the new version of RavenDb that just dropped. We also talk about how importants passion is as a developer.
Links from the episode:
Dejan's book https://www.amazon.com/Introducing-RavenDB-Database-Modern-Persistence/dp/1484289188/ Developer Hegemony https://www.amazon.com/Developer-Hegemony-Erik-Dietrich/dp/0692866809
Dejan on the stream codingafterwork.com/YouTube/1e6dS9jSQWo Oren on the podcast codingafterwork.com/episodes/ac3985bd-abfc-42d0-9754-e1228ea1618e
Leslie gives Jimmy and Jessica a behind the scenes look at keynotes. We talk about teleprompters and backups. We dive into the C# Dev Kit and even more extensions with VisualStudio.Extensibility. Leslie is a product manager on the .NET / C# Developer Experience team and the host of the VS Toolbox show on YouTube, Twitch, and LearnTV. She is focused on improving productivity and the C# and Razor spaces across VS and VS Code, including helping develop and release the new C# Dev Kit productivity extension in VS Code. Leslie also worked on the Visual Studio team, developing and enhancing extensibility and debugging features. She helped improve the overall extensibility experience in Visual Studio while helping to create VisualStudio.Extensibility, a simpler, out-of-proc extensibility API. She also worked on the Visual Studio debugging team, where she debugged developers’ problems by designing new debugging tools, such as Pinnable Properties, and improving existing ones, such as the Parallel Stacks window.
Contact: https://twitter.com/lyrichardson01
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Nick Chapsas. Nick is a Content Creator focusing on C# & .NET and an Author and Founder of the educational platform Dometrain. His YouTube channel has reached over 200k subscribers quickly, so we naturally wanted to hear about his secret.
https://www.11ty.dev/ https://teachable.com/ https://dometrain.com/
https://www.youtube.com/@nickchapsas https://kit.co/nickchapsas
We want to thank our sponsor Progress Telerik. They have amazing Blazor UI controls, so if you need something, chances are they have it. Check them out at https://bit.ly/blazorui
If you want to see, more content check out our YourTube channel or join us on Twitch. We are on many different social media, and you can find them all at http://codingafterwork.com
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Evelyne Wauters about UX, dark patterns, and falcons. Evelyne is still in a quarter-life crisis at 34 years old, living near Antwerp with her boyfriend and two cats. She has previous experience in (java) development and a major in engineering/architecture. In her free time, she goes skydiving in the summer weekends and is a falconer in the winter.
In this episode, we talk to Nico Vermeir about his experiences writing multiple books, brewing beer, and .NET.
@NicoVermeir https://www.martinasbieren.be/
At NDC London we sat down with Steve Sanderson and talked about the origin story of Blazor, some of the upcoming things in .NET 7, and what Steve is working on right now. @stevensanderson
In this episode, we talk to Maria Naggaga about some of the projects she has been involved in like .NET interactive, try .NET, and Minimal APIs.
https://try.dot.net/ https://github.com/dotnet/interactive
https://github.com/kolplattformen/skolplattformen https://github.com/kolplattformen/fantomenkrypto
Little Steering wheel documentation (In Swedish) https://docplayer.se/4568511-Lilla-ratten-stockholms-stads-projektmodell.html
@oppnaskolplatt @JohanObrink
In this episode, we talk to Oscar Andersson about contributing to Stack Overflow, GitHub vs Azure DevOps, and geek-out on various things.
https://www.ogglas.com/ https://stackoverflow.com/users/3850405/ogglas
https://codingafterwork.com/ @ogglas
Sponsors: Progress Telerik https://bit.ly/blazorui If Insurance: https://bit.ly/ifdev NDC Conference https://www.ndcoslo.com
In this episode, we talk to Oren Eini about RavenDB.
https://ayende.com/blog/ https://ravendb.net/ @ayende
Sponsors: Progress Telerik https://bit.ly/blazorui If Insurance: https://bit.ly/ifdev NDC Conference https://www.ndcoslo.com
In this episode, we have invited Jeff Fritz back to the show to talk about what's new in .NET 6. May contain traces of total green screen geek out.
https://www.twitch.tv/csharpfritz https://twitter.com/csharpfritz
Sponsors: NDC Conference https://www.ndcoslo.com Progress Telerik https://bit.ly/blazorui If: https://bit.ly/ifdev
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Egil Hansen about bUnit, test-driven development, and Sci-fi.
https://bunit.dev/ https://twitter.com/egilhansen https://github.com/egil https://www.linkedin.com/in/egilhansen/ https://www.twitch.tv/egilhansen
Make sure to test Progress Telerik's amazing UI for Blazor http://prgress.co/blazor_ui
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Carl Franklin about Blazor, Podcasting, and his love for Music.
https://www.youtube.com/user/carlfranklin https://www.dotnetrocks.com/ https://blazortrain.com/ Support us by testing Telerik amazing UI for Blazor https://www.telerik.com/campaigns/blazor/free-trial-1?utm_source=jimmyengstrom&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=blazor-trial-codingafterwork-podcast
Support us by testing Telerik amazing UI for Blazor https://www.telerik.com/campaigns/blazor/free-trial-1?utm_source=jimmyengstrom&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=blazor-trial-codingafterwork-podcast In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Carl Rippon about his book on React and .NET 5, they talk about React and also how to compare it to Blazor.
Support us by testing Telerik amazing UI for Blazor https://www.telerik.com/campaigns/blazor/free-trial-1?utm_source=jimmyengstrom&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=blazor-trial-codingafterwork-podcast In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Shawn Wildermuth about diversity in tech and his movie Hello World.
@shawnwildermuth Tiktok: shawnwildermuth https://wildermuth.com/ https://helloworldfilm.com/ https://imfinefilm.com/
Support us by testing Telerik amazing UI for Blazor https://www.telerik.com/campaigns/blazor/free-trial-1?utm_source=jimmyengstrom&utm_medium=cpm&utm_campaign=blazor-trial-codingafterwork-podcast
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Jérôme Laban about the Uno platform, why AOT is awesome, and toast https://twitter.com/jlaban
https://twitch.tv/jeromelaban https://jaylee.org/ https://platform.uno/ https://twitter.com/nventive https://twitter.com/unoplatform
Our sponsor Progress Telerik Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/CodingAfterWork
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2_3wUueE0DwE3qDRGCnOQ
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to Andy Morrell about remote working, streaming on Twitch, and racing simulators
Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/ https://obsproject.com/ Chroma green screen color: #00b140 PMS:354c http://featured.chat/
https://www.twitch.tv/luckynos7evin https://twitter.com/thes7evin
In this episode, Jimmy and Jessica talk to David Ortnau about what was announced at Microsoft Build 2020 and what is happening in the world of cross-platform development.
Guest: David Ortinau (@davidortinau)
Jimmy and Jessica talk to Bryan Costanich about the Meadow, a small chip that can run .Net. They also talk about Bryans IoT Beehive.
Guest: Bryan Costanich(@bryancostanich)
@wildernesslabs https://www.wildernesslabs.co/ Instagam: wildernesslabs
Jimmy and Jessica talked to Mads Kristensen about building extensions, home automation and his passion for cooking.
Blog https://madskristensen.net/ Visual studio blog https://devblogs.microsoft.com/visualstudio/
Visual Studio Remote office hours https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLReL099Y5nRem6UA4w849hTfd0LzBIsAk
Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChqrDOwARrxdJF-ykAptc7w
Guest:Mads Kristensen (@mkristensen)
So far we have had one episodes that ran for over an hour, this is our second one. Why, you ask? Both episodes have something very important in common. User Experience. In this episode Jimmy and Jessica talk to Mark Miller about the Science of a great UI, what goes into building a Visual Studio productivity extension, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Guest: Mark Miller (@MillerMark)
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Coderushed https://www.twitch.tv/DragonHumpers
Live Coders: https://www.twitch.tv/team/livecoders
Want to learn more about the Science of great UI? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SgELxNIxz8&t=8s
The Science of great UI course: https://app.deviq.com/courses/the-science-of-great-ui
CodeRush feature of the week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B8AS39mtKw&list=PL8h4jt35t1wgawacCN9wmxq1EN36CNUGk
Jimmy end Jessica talk to Daniel Roth about Blazor, past, present, and future.
Guest: Daniel Roth (@danRoth27) Web Window https://blog.stevensanderson.com/2019/11/18/2019-11-18-webwindow-a-cross-platform-webview-for-dotnet-core/
Blazor component vendors https://www.devexpress.com/blazor/ https://www.telerik.com/blazor-ui https://www.syncfusion.com/blazor-components https://www.radzen.com/features/ https://www.infragistics.com/products/ignite-ui-blazor
The epic Dan Roth pillow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qF6ixMjCzHA&feature=youtu.be&list=PLReL099Y5nRd04p81Q7p5TtyjCrj9tz1t&t=1104
Steve Sanderson first Blazor demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiLAE6HMr10
Spelling Society http://spellingsociety.org/ Jimmys ZX Spectrum from Microsoft Ignite (About 36 min into the talk) https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/80403?source=sessions
https://gitter.im/aspnet/Blazor https://github.com/danroth27
At Microsoft Ignite Jimmy And Jessica met up with Mads Torgersen to talk about what goes into designing a language, the difference open-source has made for Microsoft and his journey from Java and Aarhus to C# and Seattle.
Guest: @MadsTorgersen
In this episode Jimmy and Jessica talk to Stacy Cashmore about being an introvert speaker with social anxiety. How to do pair programming right and Jessica promises Jimmy a Lego Millennium Falcon.
Guest: Stacy Cashmore (@stacy_cash)
At Revolution Conf, Jimmy and Jessica met up with Sam Basu to discuss the state of mobile. Which framework is right for you?, listen and find out.
Guest: Sam Basu (@samidip)
At Build 2019 Jimmy and Jessica met up with Jesse McCulloch to talk about Mixed Reality, HoloLens and crab fishing
Guest: Jesse McCulloch (@jbmcculloch)
Jimmy and Jessica talked to Anna Chu about the upcoming conference Microsoft Ignite. They talk about Call for content, bigger developer focus and roller coasters.
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/ https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ignite https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ignite-the-tour/
Guest: Anna Chu (@_achu)
At Build Jimmy and Jessica met up with Ed Charbeneau to talk about Blazor.
Guest:Ed Charbeneau @EdCharbeneau
https://edcharbeneau.com/ https://www.twitch.tv/edcharbeneau
At Build Jimmy and Jessica met up with Raymond Chen talking about old computers, processors, and blogging.
https://www.amazon.com/Old-New-Thing-Development-Throughout/dp/0321440307/ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/
At Build Jimmy and Jessica met up with Noelle LaCharite to talk about the latest things happening with Cortana, AI and Speech in general.
Guest: Noelle LaCharite (@noellelacharite)
At Build Jimmy and Jessica met up with Larry Osterman and talked about the difference between Microsoft now and 35 years ago, barbershop, and storytelling.
Guest: Larry Osterman (@Osterman)
In this episode Jimmy and Jessica talk to Scott Hanselman about podcasting, overcoming impostor syndrome, and Scott gives a few of his best tips on becoming a public speaker.
Guest: Scott Hanselman (@Shanselman) Hanselminutes https://www.hanselminutes.com/
This developer's life http://thisdeveloperslife.com/
Ratchet and the Geek http://www.ratchetandthegeek.com/
Azure Fridayhttps://azure.microsoft.com/sv-se/resources/videos/azure-friday/
NPR Politics Podcast https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510310/npr-politics-podcast
Code Switch Podcast https://choice.npr.org/index.html?origin=https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510312/codeswitch Jesus and jollof https://soundcloud.com/jesusandjollof
Comedy Sportz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ComedySportz Toastmasters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toastmasters_International James Mickens https://mickens.seas.harvard.edu/
Jimmy and Jessica talk to Rebecca Hedén and Mattias Varén about accelerated learning and how that may be a solution to the skills gap in IT and in other areas as well. What is the secret to accelerated learning? Tune in to this episode and find out =)
Guests: Rebecca Hedén and Mattias Varén
At Ignite Jimmy and Jessica met up with fellow MVP Jeffrey Palermo to talk about Ignite, automation and testing. Guest: Jeffrey Palermo (@jeffreypalermo)
At NDC Sydney Jimmy and Jessica had the opportunity to sit down with Jennifer Wadella to learn more about how to work remote, teach children about programming, and her involvement in getting more women into tech.
At Ignite Jessica and Jimmy sat down with Joe Hallock and Robert Taft to discuss UX in Azure and what developers can do to contribute to the Azure User Experience and what to do if you don't have access to a designer at your company.
Helvetica https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0847817/
Objectified https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1241325/ Fabric https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric Azure UX https://medium.com/microsoft-design/designing-for-scale-and-complexity-b788363fd1cc
Jimmy and Jessica met up with Madoka Chiyoda and Tsuyoshi Ushio, they talk about voice interfaces. A really nice chat looking at what they use speech technology for and how Madoka uses Manga to teach programming.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable-functions-overview https://clova.line.me/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHAfTXti1LE http://takemypaycheck.com/electronics/touchscreen-paintbrush/
https://github.com/chomado https://chomado.com/
https://medium.com/@tsuyoshiushio https://github.com/TsuyoshiUshio
Guests: Madoka Chiyoda (@chomado) and Tsuyoshi Ushio (@sandayuu)
At Ignite Jimmy and Jessica met up with Brady Gaster and he showed them what he had planned for his session, this ended up in having Brady back as a guest in the podcast for the 3rd time. They talk about SignalR, Psychology, Ignite and end up in a comics deep dive.
Bradys session at Ignite https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/65893#ignite-html-anchor
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion https://www.amazon.com/Influence-Psychology-Persuasion-Business-Essentials-ebook/dp/B002BD2UUC/
The Design of Everyday Things https://www.amazon.com/Design-Everyday-Things-Revised-Expanded-ebook/dp/B00E257T6C
Tenets and Traps http://www.azm.se/traps/
Guest: Brady Gaster (@bradygaster) www.bradygaster.com
Jimmy and Jessica sit down with Tim Huckaby to talk about AI, HoloLens and where all these technologies are heading.
Guest: Tim Huckaby (@TimHuckaby)
Jimmy and Jessica sat down with Billy Hollis to talk about UX. Is UX important? Many organization don't have a dedicated UX-person, it often falls on a developer to make a good UX. Can developers create a good UX?
Guest: Billy Hollis (@billyhollis)
Jimmy and Jessica met up with James Montemagno to talk about Xamarin. They discuss things like when is Xamarin the right solution and when would Progressive Web Apps be a better choice. They also touch on James' passion for public speaking.
Guest: James Montemagno (@JamesMontemagno) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ https://montemagno.com/
Jimmy and Jessica talk to Chris Heilmann at Techdays Finland. They talk about Progressive Web Apps, open source and AI.
Guest: Chris Heilmann (@codepo8)
At the MVP Summit Jessica and Jimmy sat down with Rie Irish to talk about Women in Tech. Why are women leaving tech and what can we do to avoid that?
Guest: Rie Irish @IrishSQL
At NDC London Jimmy and Jessica met up with Jimmy Bogard They talk about his passion for open source projects, how to start and how to get the time. They also talk about what Microservices is and why we should use it.
https://github.com/jbogard/Respawn https://github.com/HtmlTags/htmltags https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper https://github.com/jbogard/MediatR https://jimmybogard.com/
Guest: Jimmy Bogard @jbogard
Jimmy and Jessica talk to Todd Gardner about PubConf, TrackJS and what to think about when you take your product to market. Todd's session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnDUbtXhGtM https://trackjs.com/https://pubconf.io/
Guest: Todd Gardner (@toddhgardner)
At NDC London Jimmy and Jessica sat down with Jon Skeet to learn more about Stack overflow, Nodatime and Jon's passion for helping women in tech.
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjlX-KPSOaenqJ08VF3kyUW0L7pPlw http://tinyurl.com/stack-hints
Guest: Jon Skeet @jonskeet
In this episode Jimmy and Jessica meet up with Kevlin Henney. They talk about Immutability, our favorite words, and what is the secrets to a great presentation.
Guest: Kevlin Henney @KevlinHenney
Jimmy and Jessica meet up with Seth Juarez known from Channel 9 amongst other things. They talk about Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, What is the actual difference and what are Microsoft doing in this space?
Jimmy and Jessica meet up with Jeff Fritz, Senior Program Manager at Microsoft Responsible for ASP.Net. They talk about things like is Web Forms dead? When should I use .Net Core, ASP.Net MVC and when is Web forms the right solution?
Guest: Jeff Fritz @csharpfritz
Jessica and Jimmy talk to Kaitlin McKinnon about Channel9, past and current projects and spare time joys. Guest: Kaitlin McKinnon @KaitlinMcKinnon
At an HTBox Hackathon in Stockholm Jimmy and Jessica talk to Richard Campbell about an open source initiative called Humanitarian Toolbox, his upcoming book and much more.
Guest: Richard Campbell @richcampbell
We sat down with our friend Kristoffer to talk about what GDPR is and what it means for developers.
Guest: Kristoffer Arfvidson @krarf
At Build 2017 we sat down with the creators of UI Tenets & Traps a UI evaluation tool that will help you remove common problems. Guests: Michael Medlock Steve Hurbst
Flash, silverlight, native apps, is the web ready to replace them all? When should you choose a web technology or go native? We sat down with Peter Örneholm to discuss this questions and more. Guest: Peter Örneholm @PeterOrneholm
In this episode we talk about MIDI. Pete and Brady are really passionate about this subject and it is always fun to sit down and chat with them.
Guests Pete Brown @Pete_Brown 10rem.net
Brady Gaster @BradyGaster bradygaster.com
We sat down with Rick Barraza to talk about Unity.
Guest Rick Barraza @rickbarraza
Korg volca http://www.korg.com/us/products/dj/volca_beats/ http://www.korg.com/us/products/dj/volca_keys/ http://www.korg.com/us/products/dj/volca_fm/ Deepmind http://www.music-group.com/Categories/Behringer/Keyboards/Synthesizers-and-Samplers/DEEPMIND-12/p/P0AC5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9MTlsA-wi4 Little bits http://littlebits.cc/ Kano https://kano.me/ Coder MIP http://wowwee.com/coder-mip Coji http://wowwee.com/coji Makeblock http://www.makeblock.com/ //Build/ Robot B-15 https://github.com/ms-iot/holobot Surface Dial http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/accessories/surface-dial Surface Studio https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/devices/surface-studio/overview Dial Debug https://github.com/NicoVermeir/DialDebug NES Mini http://www.nintendo.com/nes-classic Xbox Controller - Design your own https://xboxdesignlab.xbox.com/en-us?ocid=_sem_pmc_pma_BNG__xboxcontroller Arturia DrumBrute https://www.arturia.com/products/drumbrute/overview
Guests Pete Brown @Pete_Brown 10rem.net
Brady Gaster @BradyGaster bradygaster.com
Laurent Bugnion is the creator of MVVM Light, in this episode we talk about what MVVM is and how MVVM Light can help. Laurent is a Software engineer and UX enthusiast at IdentityMine. He is a Microsoft and Xamarin MVP and a Microsoft Regional Director.
Guest: Laurent Bugnion (@LBugnion)
We met up with René Schulte to talk about HoloLens. René works for IdentityMine who have had the opportunity to work with HoloLens for a while now. René has done presentations about HoloLens at various conferences like Build, Devsum and Unite.
Guest: René Schulte ( @rschu ) Music by: Mats Sjöblom
At Devsum 2016 we met up with Robert Luciani and talked about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Guest: Robert Luciani (@r3tex)
Music by: Mats Sjöblom
What is DevOps? Mike Martin helps us clarify what DevOps really is.
Guest: Mike Martin (@TechMike2kX) Music by: Mats Sjöblom
We sat down with Karl-Henrik Nilsson an IoT-Ninja and talked about home automation and IoT in general.
Guest: Karl-Henrik "KH" Nilsson (@KHNilsson) Music by: Mats Sjöblom
At build 2016 we met up with Dave Crawford and talked about design and being part of a keynote.
Guest: Dave Crawford (@ThatUXGuy) Music by: Mats Sjöblom
In this episode we are joined by Simon Jäger who works as a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft.He is really good at developing Office Add-ins, one could even say he Excel at it.
Guest: Simon Jäger (@Simonjaegr)
We meet up with Jimmy's former colleague, Carl Hasselskog to talk about some of the things that are important to become a better developer.Did they learn anything from each other and their bickering (like an old married couple)?
Guest: Carl Hasselskog (@CarlHasselskog) Music by: Mats Sjöblom
At MVP Summit 2015 we met up with an old friend, Clint Rutkas.We talked about Halo, Channel9, Coding4Fun and his recent visit to Sweden.
Guest: Clint Rutkas(@ClintRutkas)Credits:Music by Mats Sjöblom
At Unite 2015 we met up with Andy Touch to talk about Unity and Cinnamon buns.Andy is an evangelist working at Unity.
The episode is recorded outside in Amsterdam.
Guest: Andy Touch (@andytouch)Credits:Music by Mats Sjöblom
At Build 2015 we met up with our good friend Pete BrownWe talked about IoT, The build keynote, low latency sound and as always when when meet Pete a geek out at the end.
There is loads of stuff happening in Windows 10, we have IoT, Low latency sound and much more.Check out the Day two keynote from Build to see the drumsticks Pete talked about and also the Windows for Makers: Raspberry Pi 2, Arduino and More-session, Oh and Doctor who =)
Windows for Makers: Raspberry Pi 2, Arduino and MoreGuest: Pete Brown (@pete_brown)Credits:Music by Mats Sjöblom
At Build 2015 we met up with Ben Lower and Andy Wilson.We talked about Kinect, Room Alive and what they showed at Build.
Guests:Ben Lower (@benlower)Andy WilsonCredits:Music by Mats Sjöblom
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.